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Only Accredited Investors may invest in 420 IT Solutions; with the knowledge that there is always a significant risk to investing in private companies.

To be an Accredited Investor individuals generally must have either: 1) Earned income that exceeds $200,000 in each of the two previous tax years (or $300,000 jointly with your spouse) and have a reasonable expectation of that level of income for the present year; or 2) Net worth of over $1M (exclusive of the equity value of your primary residence). The Securities & Exchange Commission has concluded that people meeting the definition of an Accredited Investor are able to bear the risk of such an investment and thus are permitted to make investments into early-stage companies like 420 IT Solutions. If you are an Accredited Investor and interested in learning more about investing in 420 IT Solutions, please send us an email with the requested information noted at the bottom of this page.

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indicating that you are an Accredited Investor, and we will be in contact with you shortly. Not sure if you are an Accredited Investor? Click here to find out.

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1) Name 2) Subject: “Accredited Investor” 3) Phone number 4) Best Time/Day to reach you